Welcome to the online grant service of Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation!

In this service, you can submit a grant application during the application period, and send a payment request and a report for an awarded grant.

You can log in with either your personal bank ID, mobile certificate, or username you have created. We recommend using your personal bank ID or mobile certificate, if possible.

If you have previously logged in to the online service with a username and password and prefer to use your bank ID or mobile certificate from now on, you can transfer the previous applications, payment requests or reports to access them with the new log in system. To transfer them, log in with your bank ID or mobile certificate and see the instructions on the following page.

It is possible to create and submit applications only during the application period, which is in May. After creating an application, you can later edit it until sending it during the application period (May). The Foundation will process only applications sent during the application period.

To make a payment request or a report on the use of your grant, log in with the same username and password that you submitted an application with.

The office of the Foundation answers questions concerning applications, payment requests and reports from Monday to Friday during office hours (9–16): tel. +358 9 4542 400 or toimisto@wihurinrahasto.fi. For technical support please send an email to hakemustuki@datalink.fi.

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The information content of the application forms a personal data register in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is maintained, stored, and archived by Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation. You can find our Personal data protection description here.